
January 18, 2025

Dear Crescent City SDA Church Family and Guests,

On Monday, January 20, 2025, at 9:00 AM, the 47th president of the United States will be sworn in.  Whether or not you voted, now is a good time to remember the biblical and inspired writings that should guide our church conduct.

Saul, a tall, handsome man with a meek and quiet nature seemed to be the ideal person for becoming the first king of God’s people.  David, a man after God’s own heart who fearlessly trusted God for deliverance from Goliath should have been a wonderful leader.  Solomon, the wisest man ever to live, should have been the best leader of the financial world.  But all of these, and many others, have disappointed.  Some left God altogether.  And then there were kings like Ahab, Ahizah, Athaliah, and Shallum.  These kings were recognized as terrible rulers right from the start.  Yet God allowed them to reign—one over 50 years!

We must remember that [God] “removeth kings, and setteth up kings: he giveth wisdom unto the wise, and knowledge to them that know.”  Daniel 2:21

Who would have guessed that Manasseh, a terribly wicked king for most of his kingly life, would repent and plead with God to forgive him.  It goes to show that we are not good judges of people we may elect as our leaders.

Ellen White was inspired to say,

The Lord would have His people bury political questions. On these themes silence is eloquence. Christ calls upon His followers to come into unity on the pure gospel principles which are plainly revealed in the word of God. We cannot with safety vote for political parties; for we do not know whom we are voting for. . . . What are we to do, then?—Let political questions alone.  (Gospel Workers 391-392).

We have a higher calling.  Does that mean we should not vote?  We are always to vote “on the side of temperance and virtue.”  Study, know the issues.  Don’t be ignorant.  But the decision to vote for candidates is a personal decision.  If you have a political preference, keep it to yourself!  Do not feel it your duty to urge everyone to do as you do.  We are to stand free from political strife and corruption.  Our political life in the US is fractured and that fracture often runs straight through the church families and communities.  We must not engage each other over political differences and thus allowing it to fracture our lives or our church.  Political conversations should not be spoken from the pulpit, our Sabbath School classes, or in general conversations with one another.  Rather, we must take a Jesus-centered view.  He is our leader, and He will be our eternal ruler in the world to come.  Let us pray for our world leaders, whoever they may be, that God’s Spirit will guide them, and that we will have the opportunity to prepare a fallen world to meet our Lord in the clouds, very soon.


Our Sabbath School and the Worship services are live and viewable via Zoom. Two Adult Sabbath School classes are presented each week. One of them is viewable via Zoom. The Junior/Earliteen Sabbath School class meets in the Pathfinder Room. Cradle Roll and Kindergarten classes are available for younger children. If you are unsure where the rooms or classes are being held, please don’t hesitate to ask one of the greeters for directions. The Worship service is in the Sanctuary and via Zoom. The Zoom Meeting ID# and Password are listed below.

Zoom access for Crescent City SDA Church meetings:

Meeting ID #: 993 5770 413

Password: 4642738

You can join by going to Zoom.us, click on join a meeting, and then enter the Meeting ID # and password; or by dialing 1 669 900 9128, entering the meeting ID# and password as prompted; or accessing through the Zoom app.

January 17, 2025 – January 23, 2025

Friday 17th Sunset 5:14 PM

Sabbath 18th

Sabbath School 9:30 – 10:40 AM

Worship Leader Debbie 

Church Worship 11:00 – 12:00.  Randy Steffens, Jr

Sunset 5:15 PM

Tuesday Bible Study: Genesis 6:00 PM

Wednesday Community Services 1:00 – 3:00 PM

Prayer Group 5:00 – 6:00 PM

Church Bible Study, VOP Discovery Lessons 6:00 PM

Thursday – Stacy Glass’ Weight Loss Program 6:00 – 8:00 PM

January 24, 2025 – January 25, 2025

Friday 24th Sunset 5:23 PM

Sabbath 25th

Sabbath School 9:30 – 10:40 AM

Worship Leader Ginger Finley

Church Worship 11:00 – 12:00.  Carole Bliss

Sunset 5:24 PM

February 1 – Aimee Bolender

         Please participate in our Fellowship Potluck Lunch this Sabbath

February 8 – Rick Finley

Fellowship Luncheons are usually on the first Sabbath of the month, but because of special Sabbath events, please note the weekly updates for any changes.

Tithes and offerings are being collected during the 11:00 AM Worship service each Sabbath. Other options include the locked offering box on the rear wall of the Sanctuary, the link to Adventist Giving on our church website:


or you can download the Adventist Giving app. Tithes and offerings may also be mailed to Crescent City SDA Church, P.O. Box 1905, Crescent City, CA 95531. Please designate where the funds are to be deposited: tithe, church budget, Little Red School House (School), special projects, etc.


Thank you for taking the time to be part of our church family, in person or via media. Please reply to this email (or ccadventistchurch@gmail.com) if you have specific prayer requests. The Prayer Ministry team is active and cares about your needs—let us know!

And remember the tasks we are privileged to be part of:  To us, as God's servants, has been entrusted the third angel's message, the binding-off message, that is to prepare a people for the coming of the King. We are to make every effort to give a knowledge of the truth to all who will hear, and there are many who will listen.  MTC 151.2.

Praying you radiate that positive, hopeful faith in the soon coming of Jesus,


A Worldwide Church Family

The Seventh-day Adventist Church is a mainstream Protestant church with approximately 19 million members worldwide, including more than one million members in North America. The Adventist Church operates 173 hospitals and sanitariums and more than 7,500 schools around the world. The Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) works within communities in more than 130 countries to provide community development and disaster relief.


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